Events Technology

Pixselia Provides 2 main categories concerns our Events Technology Service:

Registration Management

Event Hardware & Equipments

01 Registration Management

A perfect start leads to a perfect goal, every single event starts with registration, and we offer that start to all your events through our events’ registration services.

01.a Online Registration

Publishing an online registration process over the event’s website or an external link so your attendees can register to attend the event.

  • Dynamic & comprehensive form suites & covers all needed data to be collected & reported directly to you.
  • Responsive & attractive design that reflects the theme of the event.
  • Online payments methods.
  • Secure databases with admin access.
  • Confirmation letters by email & SMS
  • Online control panel.
  • E-ticketing attachments.
  • Security CAPTCHA & Authentication.
  • 24/7 Technical support

01.b Onsite Registration

Setting up a state of the art onsite registration system at the even’s venue.

  • Registering attendees and collecting their information.
  • Issuing a constant registration barcoded ID for each registrar.
  • Payments management with a secure & momentously reporting.
  • Printing & handling a barcoded, Swiping, or magnetic badges with a universal timing standards.
  • Printing & Handling attendance letters and certificates with a universal timing standards.
  • Directions-Digital Signs & guides

01.c Access Control

With a constant & unique registration id for each registrar, we offer you the feature of access control that controls registrars entries, timing, and a full reporting that provides you with each & every move made during your event.

  • Authorizing entries: Authorizes every registrar entry to every hall according to the type of registration.
  • Counting the time spent for each registrar inside the hall.
  • Statistics reporting (such as, each hall loads, rush hours,..etc).
  • Preventing multiple entries for each hall or duplication.

02 Event's Hardware & Equipments

02.a Hardware & Equipment’s Setup

Setting up our registration system requires an advanced & special hardware and equipment’s to provide your event with faulty-free registration process.

  • Clerks machines.
  • Barcode Readers / Digital readers.
  • Printers / digital writers.
  • Tablets / handheld devices.
  • Local servers & stations.
  • Internet access - Wireless routers.
  • Flipping screens.
  • Payments machines and cash devices.
  • Digital signs.
  • Electrical workmanship.

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