Digital Marketing


Digital marketing has become the core of each business, being online is easy, maintaining your presence however is the hardest part, this is where Pixselia provides its experience to your business, by our experts specialized in digital marketing methods and techniques.

Digital Marketing services provides 4 main categories:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization or well known by SEO, is a methodology where your business or website ranks on top of search engines results.

Our SEO services includes all the requirements to achieve this goal, we trigger a full market study, analyze competitors weak points, shapes your business models to fit into the standards and techniques that boost the outcomes

Our experts with wide variety of knowledge can maximize the ability of your business to the ultimate, they in cooperation with you can launch the accurate campaign that covers all aspects of the process

SEO Audit / 100%
Market Research / 100%
Competitions Analysis / 100%
Keywords Research / 100%
Backlinks & Routing / SEO
Google Services Optimization / 100%
Content Writing / 100%
Multi Languages / 100%

Social Media Management & Consulting

Social Media is the largest medium today identifies digital marketing, nowadays if you don't have social media you are not existed at all

Our experts with wide variety of knowledge can maximize the ability of your business to the ultimate, they in cooperation with you can launch the accurate campaign that covers all aspects of the process

Strategies & Planning / 100%
Reports & Analytics / 100%
Moderation & Engagements / 100%
Direction & Consulting / SEO
Content Management & Creation / 100%
Unifying & Optimizing / 100%

Mass Marketing & Management

Group Marketing or what known as Mass Marketing, is the process for keeping the connection between your business and the clients alive, by using different methods to contact, inform, and notify, with availability of huge number of channels, we at Pixselia picked the best.

Our Mass Marketing services includes top 3 used channels nowadays to keep you connected with your clients, Emails, SMS, and Whatsapp, we provide you lots and lots of solutions that provides professional hub to gain clients satisfaction and upraising customer services goals.

Our experts, our latest tools, and solutions guarantees the ultimate performance and quality you can notch out of such marketing method with the least effort and cost.

Email Marketing
SMS Marketing
Whatsapp Marketing
Categorized and Filtered Databases / 100%
Detailed Reports & Analytics / 100%
Inbound & Outbound Communications / SEO
APIs & Integrations / 100%

Digital Signage

Pixselia offers you the Digital Signage service that provides the distribution of your advertisements over wide base of our partners signage screens spread all over the kingdom, reaching your clients even while their are not on their own devices.

Our partners' digital screens distributed over all places with high rate of clients views, such as coffeeshops, restaurants, gas stations, banks, road signal lights, and much more, guarantees the highest clients' reach which can be transformed into leads and potential customers

Our Digital Signage high demands and wide base of requests allows us to offer you the lowest rate you can ever get, with the fastest and the most accurate leads available.

Indoor & Outdoor / 100%
24/7 Advertisements / 100%
S, L, XL and Huge Screens / SEO
All Kinds of Media / 100%
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