Pixselia is a digital solutions agency specialized in Events Technologies.Events Technologies.|Web Technologies.|Digital Marketing.|Graphic Design.

In 2011 we sat down to create a thousand mile plan, realizing that how far the road is, it starts with a single step, our step was a blank white board & a simple idea, and so… we began


Our aim is to digitize the work of our clients by utilizing the latest technologies and solutions mixed with our simple ideas and unique services to boost the outcomes of your business.

Why Pixselia


A common sense logic says: “Professionalism can be only achieved by professionals”, what makes us those professionals is us following 2 simple bases, “no matter how technology evolves, never provide a complicated solution to a simple matter”, “Treat your smallest project the same as your largest”

Open Source

Our solutions basis on a fully open source platforms shaped & customized exactly to meet each projects’ requirements separately with a pre-built ability for any required major or minor upgrades & updates.


Providing the perfect service isn’t measured by the service it self, but by all and every single solution that led and follows the outcomes of the whole project, stating this; our role covers all business requirements & aspects with a complete & comprehensive solutions.

Our Services

Events Technology

Events aren’t the same as before, an event feedback isn’t only measured by subject, attendees, or type any more…


Software Development

Our core business started with providing our clients a full web presence and existence..


Digital Production

Every ones agrees that starting a business is simple, but keeping it running here comes the trick, days pasts so fast…


Digital Marketing

Intelligent Business’s attraction nowadays counts on one simple thing; “Look & Feel”, and here comes the…


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